Romans 12:2
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye
transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye
may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and
perfect, will of God.
~Harold Wilson
He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery.
~Mary Engelbreit
If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it.
~Anatole France
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.
~Victor Frankl
When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.
~Bruce Barton
When you are through changing, you are through.
~Price Pritchett
Change always comes bearing gifts.
~Author Unknown
If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies.
Why is it so hard for people to be open to try or do new things? If you look around you, the world around you is changing everyday. There are new roads, new houses, new neighbors, new businesses, a new day, new relationships etc. Our whole life is all about change and yet will still fight it and why is that?
Funny thing is when we look at our bodies, they change everyday whether you realize it or not. After age 25 studies show that the average person will can 1 to 2 lbs per year without exercise. All the crap we eat, the sitting around or even doing our same routine day to day jobs and responsibilities, your body is changing. The changes may be good or bad but it's up to us what that change will be. Some people fight so hard not to have to workout and will give you every excuse under the sun. Bottom line is 95% of the people against working out just don't want to. But will still complain about how their clothes fit, how they feel ugly, wonder why their significant other isn't touching them as much etc.
Our bodies are living organisms and if you don't take care of it, then you will kill it and you will die sooner than later! The human body is far more advanced than we could ever imagine. It adapts so quickly to make your life and tasks easier. So if your routine doesn't change then your body won't change. I hear people say, I don't have to workout because my job is a workout. Then why are people still dying of heart attacks, getting diabetes, and all kinds of medical issues?
Here are just a few benefits to working out:
- Reduce stress
- Boost happy chemicals
- Improve self-confidence
- Prevent cognitive decline - cognitive decline that begins after age 45 and working out boosts the chemicals in the brain that support and prevent degeneration of the hippocampus, an important part of the brain for memory and learning.
- Alleviate anxiety
- Boost brainpower
- Sharpen memory
- Help control addiction
- Tap into creativity - a gym session can boost creativity for up to two hours afterwards
- Get more done - Research shows that workers who take time for exercise on a regular basis are more productive and have more energy than their more sedentary peers
- Make awesome new friends
I think that it just boils down to our fears and complacency. You can't grow as a human being without change. You can never be a new person tomorrow without change. And stop fearing the work because yes its not always easy but when has anything in this life worth having been easy?
When you look at your relationship with your significant other, is it the same now as when you first met each other? Your kids, do they dress the same, listen to the same music, eat the same foods, play the same sports, still wear diapers? Changes in life are inevitable and it's up to you to embrace it.
Change doesn't have to be scary all the time. When you drive tomorrow, take a new route. Open your eyes and see what's changed. Try some new flavors of coffee, order new things off the menu, try new ethnicity's of food, eat sweet flavored bacon, try new sexual positions in bed, pick a new radio station, ride a bike instead of walk or drive, try reading a book instead of TV, go out today with no underwear on, get a haircut, get a fake tattoo, masturbate with your left hand instead of your right, take a vacation to a new place, get a membership to a gym and get a friend to go with you etc.
I promise you the process or journey can be just as exciting and even better than reaching the goal. It's scary trying the unknown but it can be so exciting at the same time. The only time change won't come is when your dead. So you can either take control of it or life will completely control you. Don't limit your opportunities and possibilities. Your blessings are right around the corner, so get off your ass and make it happen!
Thanks for reading. Please share on Facebook and leave comments here.
Today's Workout:
5 sets 3 reps incline bench
3 sets 8 reps dumb bell shoulder press
4 rounds 500 meter rows
Pick up 65lbs stone 6x's in 1 minute and then 10- 45lbs lunges in 1 minute. Do 8 rounds!
Have a great day folks.
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