Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Wisdom Wednesday #5

1 Corinthians 13:11

When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood 

as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a 

man, I put away childish things.

Nina Dobrev

Even though you're growing up, you should never stop 

having fun.

Max Lerner

The turning point in the process of growing up is when you

discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt.

Casey Stengel

The trick is growing up without growing old.

Samuel Ullman

Maturity is the ability to think, speak and act your feelings 

within the bounds of dignity. The measure of your maturity 

is how spiritual you become during the midst of your 


Jim Rohn

Maturity is the ability to reap without apology and not 

complain when things don't go well.

William Arthur Ward

To make mistakes is human; to stumble is commonplace; to 

be able to laugh at yourself is maturity.

  With school starting back up and being a new parent 

myself, this has been on my mind, maturity. When did we all

start to "grow up"? When did me start to mature? How do we

teach our kids the balance of when to be silly and when not 

to? How do we stay calm when our kids are just being kids 

and they don't know any better. A lot of times you hear 

people yell, act your age and that's what most kids and 

adults are doing.

  Even for the "single" people out there without kids, you still 

have people watching you and looking up to you whether 

you know it or not. I know am constantly comparing myself 

to people in the gym. Some of the lifts, workouts and 

performances that they make baffles me and just shows me

how far away I am. People look to you for advice, wisdom,

courage, or the example of how to deal with a situation. 

Everyday you walk out your doors, you are on stage for the 

world. You are being judged and analyzed by people 

everywhere you go. I hope that no one expects perfection 

but they do want to see how will you deal with the 

challenges in front of you. Will he/she break down and quit? 

Will you cry or stand up and deal with the situation? Will 

you give 110% or just half ass today because you think no 

one is watching? 

  And the parents have it even worse because you can't 

even hide. I have so much respect for you. You can't go to

the bathroom without one of your midgets examining you.

How does mommy get ready? How does she do her hair, 

makeup, brush her teeth, and how long is she getting 

ready? How does daddy treat mommy? How does he dress?

How does he respect others? How does he handle 

frustration, is he patient, does he communicate or run away,

how does he show he loves me? 

  This topic could easily be a book but in a nutshell, do the 

best you can. If you give a 100% everyday, then who is 

anyone to judge you. Truly in this situation, its your efforts 

that matter. In the end most kids will love their parents for 

being there and they tried. Most friends, families and

associates will respect you for making an attempt and never


  Enjoy life to the fullest and don't forget to take time enjoy 

the process. We get so wrapped up in the goal but breeze 

through the journey. Cherish those moments, look around 

and smell the roses. Laugh like you have never laughed 

before, dance in a room with no music, sing outside the 

window and be a fool, call out from work and spend it with 

your family once in a while and just surprise them and be 

spontaneous. Don't be afraid to be "childish" and silly. Fart 

on each other, slap each other on the ass, send silly photos 

to each other (but keep them off them off the cloud lol) or 

sexy ones. There is never an immature or wrong time to 

show or tell a significant other you love them. Just don't wait 

until it's to late. 

Thanks for reading. Please share and comment here. Try 

the workout and have a great day.


5 sets snatches


5 sets 2-3 reps front squats


6 rounds 10 thrusters and 10 pull-ups

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