Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.
J.K. Rowling
“It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far
more than our abilities.”
Jean-Paul Sartre
“We are our choices.”
Stephen R. Covey
“But until a person can say deeply and honestly, "I am what I
am today because of the choices I made yesterday," that
person cannot say, "I choose otherwise.”
You ever ask yourself why me? Why am I fat? What can't I
say no? Why did this happen to me? Why this? Why that? In
those situations do you blame yourself or do you blame
others? Were you a victim of circumstance or was it your
own choice? Was it predestined or fate or bad luck?
I tend to disagree with people always looking for excuses
for why they are in the situation they are in or for who they
are today. I know that life has influenced a lot of our
decisions but we are responsible for the choices that we
make and how we deal with things.
I have been through so much in my life good and bad and
I'm thankful for it all. There is no such thing as a perfect life
and through my experiences maybe I can help others. You
can't let your struggles or past negative experiences define
who you are if you ever want to reach your full potential in
your life.
I vaguely have any memories of my childhood but I do
remember being sexually abused by a relative. I do
remember looking at all my dads porn and watching his vhs
porno movies.I do remember having the shit beat out of me
on a regular basis by my dad. I do remember my parents
fighting verbally and sometimes physically. I do remember
the separations and the divorce. I remember getting picked
on in school because I had no role model to teach me how to
be myself and stop trying to fit in. I remember getting beat
up and chased out of school and never wanting to go back. I
remember girls not liking me because I was a dork and had
no "game". I remember hating who I was and my name even
changing it several times (not legally). Don't get me
wrong there are good memories in there somewhere to but
I'm just making a point.
As an adult growing up is it my parents fault that I broke the
law and went to jail or was it my choices? Is it my relatives
fault or my dads fault that I have had horror-ish tendencies,
compulsions for porn on occasions and low sexual morality
or is it my choices? Is it my parents fault that I haven't had a
committed relationship longer than 6 months or is it my
choices? It is Wendys, Mcdonald's and buffet's fault that I'm
chubby :O).
This doesn't apply to people with medical issues or real
mental disabilities. I'm just referring to those who want
validation for their sob story and excuses. Reality is
EVERYONE has a story and there are many people with
a similar story as yours. The only difference is the choices
they made afterwards and how they would move forward. In
today's world, nobody cares about you and your story if your
not willing to do anything about it.
All I'm saying is I only look in the mirror and hold myself
accountable for the decisions I've made. I don't think I'm
better than anyone else. Rich or poor we are both human
beings. I'm just striving to be a better me. Hopefully
encouraging you to do the same. No I haven't always
better than anyone else. Rich or poor we are both human
beings. I'm just striving to be a better me. Hopefully
encouraging you to do the same. No I haven't always
had the best role models and examples but it taught me what
I don't want in the future for anyone else or my son. My
parents did the best they could with what they had. Life for
the most part has been my teacher and she gives hard
tests and lessons. Turn your tragedies into testimonies. Turn
your situation into motivation. Let your strength shine for
others because you do have a purpose in life greater than
yourself. Don't let society convince you that, oh poor you it's
ok for you to wallow in self pity and it's not your fault. The
situation may not be your fault but how you handle it is.
So I choose today not to be fat anymore. I choose to find my
soul mate, be a great boyfriend/husband, to stay faithful and
love her through thick and thin always. I choose to be a
role model. I choose to love everyone unconditionally. I
choose to help others. I choose to inspire. I choose to be a
great father. I choose to be a good son. And remember
opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one and this is
Workout today: Open gym (no class)
I did:
dumbbell incline bench w/cable fly's
1 set 10 reps 115lbs/ - 10 reps 90lbs
1 set 8 reps 115lbs /- 10 reps 90lbs
1 set 8 reps 115lbs/ - 10 reps 90lbs
e-z bar curls / and tricep cable pull downs
1 set 10 reps 85lbs/ - 25 reps 110lbs
1 set 8 reps 95lbs/ - 25 reps 110lbs
1 set 6 reps 105lbs/ - 25 reps 11olbs
e-z bar skull crushers/ and cable curls
1 set 10 reps 95lbs/ - 25 reps 100lbs
1 set 8 reps 115lbs/ - 25 reps 100lbs
1 set 8 reps 125lbs/ - 25 reps 100lbs
row 1000 meters and 30 body weight dips
row 1000 meters and 30 body weight dips
Hope you all have a great day and try the workout.
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