The next key is who you workout with! There might be 1% of the human population who genuinely stay motivated to keep working out consistently for a long time by themselves. And you might be able to but I'm not one of them. After playing years of organized sports, I like having direction, someone to push me and people I can work to beat. Also who's going to correct you when your doing something wrong or help you tweak your moments just enough to maximize your results. Jane Fonda, Billy Blanks, P90x and whoever else don't give a damn about you! They got your money just like Planet fitness, LA Fitness or whoever else. They aren't calling you or waking you up saying hey, lets do this! Don't be to egotistical to take some advice sometimes. Even professional athletes have coaches and trainers. This is what you want to look like but 2 weeks later back to the same routine.
It absolutely amazes me that when I go to workout every morning, I get my ass handed to me by not only the the men but the women. I'm talking about women in their 40's with multiple kids and the young ones to. Its so embarrassing and I'm glad you guys can't see it! Now I know why I'm single.
You know then it hit me a I knew there was something wrong and that these people aren't everyday mortals. If they aren't then its truly inspiring the accomplishments people are making. Women are losing 20-30-40-50+ lbs, lifting there own body weight, running longer and farther then ever before and faster. Men are doing the same thing and I'm glad to be a part of it. Honestly I'm a little discouraged because one of my main goals is to drop 50-60lbs and I haven't lost a pound in 6 weeks. Ya ya I know don't look at the scale but its still my goal and I have to change my plan!
Luckily I am slimming down, getting through exercises faster and staying strong enough to keep up with some of the women. I included some of the phenomenal athletes I have the privilege of training with from time to time. They didn't think I would recognize them but I see through that alter ego! Super heros exposed!!

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