Corey Ford
"She learned to say things with her eyes that others waste time putting into words"
Victor Hugo
"God created the flirt as soon as he made the fool."
"When a flirt fishes for a man, she fishes merely for the sport."
Franz Liszt
Truth is a great flirt.
Max O'Reilly
Flirtation: attention without intention.
Can we just be honest and put it out there. Women and men who workout are sexy! Sexier than someone who lays on their ass and wont move unless its to go the club or shopping. The thing I hate though is that gyms are labeled meat markets because lazy ass people look for any excuse they can not to go. I roll past Jenny Craig (for women), weight watchers and its empty. Are they even still in business? Even gyms like gold's has tried to appease the people bitching because they are insecure about someone looking at them and have their enrollments doubled since then? Uh no!
Yes we all can be insecure about our form or the amount of weight we use especially when you see a gorilla just do twice as much as you're about to do. But when you stay at home or hide in the gym or avoid an exercise because your worried about doing it wrong then ask for help! Everyone had to start somewhere. You wont get better at it or stronger until you try! We create more problems or assumptions in our head than really exist. Sorry to tell you but most people in the gym really don't care what your doing and aren't paying you any attention.
And for the one's who walk around half naked because they get hot, it's comfortable, their scissors were possessed or you just want someone to look, guess what? Someone is probably going to look. Men with nice bodies give me something to aspire to and do I really want to see it when I workout? No but it is what it is and who cares. Woman with nice bodies give me something to aspire to have (girlfriend/wife) but do I want to see it when I work out :O) ? It's distracting as hell and intimidating at times but sure, I like it.
But what is a single guy/gal to do in this environment? Greek gods all around you and you haven't had someone grab your ass in months! What's wrong with testing the waters after the gym and saying, "hey nice outfit, wanna grab my butt?". Ok maybe a little more tactful than that but you get my point. Women need to stop letting their ego's get the best of them and just take it as a compliment. Guys need to learn to be respectful and leave it alone when the attention is clearly not wanted. Many great relationships have come out of the gym so why not me or you?
Anyway just a thought. I'll do my best to behave but god woman who workout (especially crossfit women)
are so sexy! Keep up the good work ladies and if your lucky enough to have one then you better cherish her (and vise versa)!

Workout for today:
3 sets - 10 reps Incline dumbbell press
"She learned to say things with her eyes that others waste time putting into words"
Victor Hugo
"God created the flirt as soon as he made the fool."
"When a flirt fishes for a man, she fishes merely for the sport."
Franz Liszt
Truth is a great flirt.
Max O'Reilly
Flirtation: attention without intention.
Can we just be honest and put it out there. Women and men who workout are sexy! Sexier than someone who lays on their ass and wont move unless its to go the club or shopping. The thing I hate though is that gyms are labeled meat markets because lazy ass people look for any excuse they can not to go. I roll past Jenny Craig (for women), weight watchers and its empty. Are they even still in business? Even gyms like gold's has tried to appease the people bitching because they are insecure about someone looking at them and have their enrollments doubled since then? Uh no!
Yes we all can be insecure about our form or the amount of weight we use especially when you see a gorilla just do twice as much as you're about to do. But when you stay at home or hide in the gym or avoid an exercise because your worried about doing it wrong then ask for help! Everyone had to start somewhere. You wont get better at it or stronger until you try! We create more problems or assumptions in our head than really exist. Sorry to tell you but most people in the gym really don't care what your doing and aren't paying you any attention.
And for the one's who walk around half naked because they get hot, it's comfortable, their scissors were possessed or you just want someone to look, guess what? Someone is probably going to look. Men with nice bodies give me something to aspire to and do I really want to see it when I workout? No but it is what it is and who cares. Woman with nice bodies give me something to aspire to have (girlfriend/wife) but do I want to see it when I work out :O) ? It's distracting as hell and intimidating at times but sure, I like it.
But what is a single guy/gal to do in this environment? Greek gods all around you and you haven't had someone grab your ass in months! What's wrong with testing the waters after the gym and saying, "hey nice outfit, wanna grab my butt?". Ok maybe a little more tactful than that but you get my point. Women need to stop letting their ego's get the best of them and just take it as a compliment. Guys need to learn to be respectful and leave it alone when the attention is clearly not wanted. Many great relationships have come out of the gym so why not me or you?
are so sexy! Keep up the good work ladies and if your lucky enough to have one then you better cherish her (and vise versa)!
Workout for today:
3 sets - 10 reps Incline dumbbell press
I did:
115lbs - 10 reps
115lbs - 9 reps
115lbs - 9 reps
3 sets reverse grip bench press
I did:
225lbs - 8 reps
225lbs - 10 reps
225lbs - 10 reps
3 sets 10 reps bent over rows
3 sets lat pullovers (made up the name) 10 reps
I did:
80lbs - 10 reps
80lbs - 10 reps
80lbs - 10 reps
3 sets weighted dips 15 reps
I did:
3 sets of 15 reps
Ok my half naked people. I hope you have a great day and let me know what you think. Thanks for reading.
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