Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Wisdom Wednesday

Proverbs 4:7

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom

and with all thy getting get understanding.

John C. Maxwell

A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart 

enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct 


Jim Rohn
Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.

  Today was definitely a test of my pride. What good is it to

try to lift all the weight in the gym but you have horrible 

form? I want so bad to be able to keep up with everyone 

and outwork people but my form stills needs a lot of work. I 

appreciate the coaches who correct me when I'm wrong and

want to help me get better.

  Plain and simple, if you keep training wrong, you will develop bad
habits and get hurt. I damn sure do not want to take 1 step forward
and 2 steps back due to stupidity. So develop a solid foundation and
everything will fall into place! Don't let your pride get in the way
of dreams or let it get you hurt. 


5x's you have 1:30 to complete then repeat
2 cleans and then front squat and jerk (70% of 1 rep max)

I did:

1 set 225lbs
1 set 225lbs
1 set 225lbs
1 set 205lbs (need to establish better form)
1 set 205lbs


Front Squats 5 sets 5-7 reps 80% of 1 rep max (complete in 2 minutes then repeat)

I did:

5 reps 295lbs
5 reps 295lbs
5 reps 295lbs
5 reps 295lbs
5 reps 295lbs


8 rounds - 2 minute of 8 pull-ups and then as many thrusters as you can do. Thrusters 115lbs men/ 55lbs women

My conditioning still sucks so I did ring rows. Almost died today but I'm alive some how. Try this at home and let me know how you do. Have a great day.

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